Learn to fully trust the Voice of your Heart to self-heal emotional and physical blocks trapped in the Body, and master the ability to work with the energies around you to transform reality with ease!
Are you ready to trust the Voice of your Heart?
It’s not just a saying or a metaphor…. it’s as real as it gets!
It’s where you fully unlock your intuitive abilities,
by tapping into your Body’s sensations,
and build awareness on how the surrounding energies
impact you at the emotional and physical level.
That’s when you get to really make decisions and choices that feel 100% right,
so that the anxiety and worry about them become a thing of the past,
never to be feared again, never again to stop you from moving forward!
You know there’s a reality beyond the 5 senses…..
If you want to rise in love with your all-knowing Intuition that never fails you,
then the Heart of Healing Academy is for you!
It’s a place where we truly heal from the Heart!
It’s a loving community where we support each other in meaningful and profound ways, celebrating our strengths and vulnerabilities to build the life we desire!
Most of all it’s a space where we feel safe to share our life’s challenges,
listen to one another without judgement or labels, ask questions,
and provide guidance and support when you need it!
In the Academy we help you supercharge your confidence,
and trust that what you think and feel
will provide you with the answers you’re looking for!
It’s where you get your Intuition to do exactly what it’s designed for:
to guide you to get where you desire to be!
This is authentic healing like seen before!
Because while your Soul holds your Divine purpose,
and the Mind reminds you of past programs,
It's the Heart that empowers you with inner power to Heal
so you can create a life that is fully aligned to your deepest desires!
It's that language that springs you back into health, and empowers you with the Inner Guidance and Emotional Resilience to face your fears, release destructive patterns, and create profound healing both at the spiritual and physical level!
Being intuitive from the space of the Heart is a truly transformational experience, because you open a space of Inner Knowing about the energies of the people and places around you, and your Body begins to speak for you clearly about what you need and what is right for you, because now you feel it clearly!
Get ready to let go of all the mixed messages and scrambled communication!
Can you imagine how your relationships will change with this power, and build meaningful and constructive dialogues with the people around you?
Can you imagine what your health would look like if you could identify the root cause of your pains and aches, and release them?
Can you imagine what your work projects and team will feel like if you could release the negative energies from the space around you, and create a more harmonious and cooperative environment?
What would this mean to you and your life?
Close your eyes for a second and picture it!
It's time to embrace your full potential NOW!
It's time for you to fully embody the healing that is needed in your life!
Mastering the Quantum Language of the Heart is the definitive way to experience a profound shift within yourself right from the very start,
that will help you realise your self-worth,
your ability to self-heal from old emotional family and ancestral wounds, and learn to embrace your vulnerabilities
to create powerful life-changing effects!
Samantha, UK
''I had a session with Eliana, it was the most amazing powerful session I have ever had, it was emotional, I needed it, ever since I've been able to connect with my higher self, I've more energy and I'm more connected with the universe, thank you so much for the experience!!!''
What you can expect
in the Academy
- Regular Training to learn to trust your Intuition to the farthest reaches of the Galaxy and Beyond, such as:
How to calm your nervous system, deal with challenging emotions, and take care of your emotional and physical well-being.
How to drop kick inner conflict, fear and self-doubt for good, and build more focus, emotional resilience, and belief in your self-guidance.
How to work more intuitively with the subtle energies in your Body, self-diagnose what happens in your chakras and organs, and understand the spiritual impact of your actions and decisions.
Understand the physical and spiritual impact of any detrimental energies present in your living environment, objects, foods, places, and learn to release them with ease.
How to deal with family and ancestral patterns, and the people around you, and release old patterns energies to create constructive dialogues and supportive relationships.
Understand how external energies and your life's experiences impact your Health and well-being, especially if you suffer from recurring dis-eases, aches, pains, and feel drained, out of focus, and emotionally challenged more often than not.
How to feel safe and supported as you expand your intuition and your connection to a reality beyond your 5 senses, and feel more energised and confident as you do so!
- A Private Facebook Group to ask questions, to get feedback on your progress, and connect with loving people who just like yourself desire to deepen their intuitive practice and tap into more spiritual insights!
Remember: alone you are strong, but together we are a Force to be reckoned with!
- 3 Heart-to-Mind LIVE Zoom sessions per month (replay available in the Academy) on different topics, ask questions, and get my input and the support of the community!
- Daily prompts, exercises, inspiration and tips to boost your intuitive abilities, and deepen your insights into the spiritual and physical alignment of the Body to the Heart and your Life Force Energy
The LightFrequencies holistic methodologies and techniques used in the Academy are a combination of breath work, visualisation, intuitive Body listening, affirmations/verbal commands, Heart journaling, body movement and hand gestures.
The Heart of Healing Academy is so transformational that you will not recognise yourself once you begin working with your Heart energy, and the profound lasting changes
that you'll create in your emotional and physical health will feel tangible and visible in your relationships!
How I self healed with the Quantum Language
of the Heart

Hi, I'm Eli, and I'm an Intuitive Heart healer
My love affair with the Heart began over a decade ago, when I was diagnosed with a dis-ease that left me powerless to move my right arm; along with this major physical trauma, I struggled with severe headaches, digestive problems, insomnia and severe anxiety on a daily basis
When the dis-ease hit me, I felt so powerless not just because of the lost mobility, but also because I had to give up many of the things I loved, like going to the gym, meeting friends, dancing, and just being totally independent and carefree
As a result, I quickly became very depressed and contemplated taking my own live on multiple occasions​
I became so frustrated and angry with myself and everyone around me, unable to understand how on earth I had not seen that coming, having always been very athletic and on the move with my job and social life.....
Then one day, physically exhausted and at a loss for explanations, I decided to ask my Heart just ONE question:
'ok, what is it that you need from me?'
That's when my Heart really opened up to me, and showed the quantum reality about me:
it showed me how the Body had altered and deteriorated with the things I had said to myself over the years, and with the thoughts and emotions that had been left unspoken for so long!
Thoughts of painful memories, low self-worth, loss, grief and rejection!
And because of these thoughts and beliefs, the sound of my spoken and unspoken words had left a imprint in the physical tissues of my Body, a resonance of frequency that my Body had mimicked into its dis-eased state to reflect my deep emotional wounds like a perfect mirror of reality!
That's when I stopped seeing the Body as the enemy, and I began seeing it as the key to heal my emotional wounds, and restore my physical health!
By changing the quality of my words I began healing my deeply buried emotional wounds, began seeing the changes in my Body as my Mind relaxed and felt more at peace, my energy levels surged, my sleep patterns improved, and finally began feeling more confident that now I was on the right path of recovery!
My aches gradually disappeared, and I regained full mobility of my right arm: that's when I began meeting people again, dating, and finally rejoined the local gym, knowing that I had tapped into my full potential to create my well-being and the life I desired!
One word at the time!
It's not difficult, it's not hard, it's a labour of love, and you make it happen with the power of your words!
Let's do this together:)
Eli x
The Academy is for you if......
-You Desire to Heal those painful mood swings and negative thoughts you're having, and that stop you from moving on....You struggle to sleep and eat, because you can't think of nothing else but that very same thing over and over, and that seems to make you question yourself 24X7!
You're looking for inner peace and clarity, and are ready to say Enough!, and ready to feel more confident, clear in how you think and feel, and ready to speak it!
-You Desire to Self-Heal from physical pain or a long-term condition that has impacted you for far too long, and despite having tried different methods and remedies, the pain has returned, like a reminder that there's still an open wound inside of you, and that just drains your energies and your will, because you don't know how to heal it!
'Managing' the pain is no longer an option! You desire to resolve its root cause and release it, and understand how your emotions, thoughts and words can transform your emotional and physical health!
-You are a busy mum and wife, and yet the shadows from the past still prevent you from feeling serenity and well-being in your present relationships; and want your best for your children so they avoid your so-called 'past mistakes', and yet it feels like a struggle at times!
You are ready to get a clean slate from the deep emotional wounds still clouding your Heart, and stop these family and ancestral cycle of detrimental patterns that impact you in the now! You desire to see your children grow with tranquillity and feeling safe and happy! You desire a healthy and supportive relationship with your partner, and honest and constructive family conversations that help you thrive!
-You are a busy entrepreneur, you've come to depend far too much on your 'common sense', always on the go, always having to make major decisions in your business and personal life, and maybe by now your Body would have made itself heard with symptoms such as insomnia, hyper activity, always checking your phone, never a moment to stop and breathe, and yet this is exactly what you are looking for but it feels almost impossible to get there! it's not long before you suffer from burnout, and are forced to look at remedies and struggle to find the reason WHY you feel the way you do.....You desire to feel healthy again, and continue thriving in your workplace, while at the same time balancing a healthy family life!
​-You know that if you accessed the Voice of your Heart, you would't be where you are at right now! And yet you struggle to even voice what you are thinking and feeling, so every time you are in conversation it doesn't come out 'right'! And you feel hurt in your relationships, afraid that maybe if you said what was in your Mind, you'd be cast out, rejected.
You deeply desire to evolve past the fears of your own thoughts and emotions, because you know when you do face them, you'd be more confident and assertive in voicing your desires and your needs, and that would make a huge impact in your life and your relationships!
-You are a healer or therapist, and you'd like to learn a new modality to integrate it in your current practice, particularly around working with the Heart energy to deal with strong emotions, severe anxiety and depression as a way to help your clients better connect to their Body and take better care of their own health.
-You are curious about the world of energy work, and would like to embrace a healing modality that grants you the ability to self-diagnose and self heal, in a way that you learn more about how your emotions impact your body, and how your subconscious patterns affect your ability to approach new experiences in life.
Your Heart is whispering words of love, of compassion, of acceptance!
It's time for you to shift and embrace a new reality!
The reality of self-healing with the language of your Heart!
When you are in your Heart you become Limitless!
JOIN US to create the life you desire TODAY!
Become Fearless from the Heart, and unlock your Inner Power to create a new Reality NOW!
Teana, UK
​Eliana has the most soothing voice, it washes over you and makes you feel safe and protected.
Throughout the session, Eliana guided my thoughts, my breathing, my mind, part of which was like a guided meditation, which led me to visualise better than I usually am able to. I've never felt this to be something that comes to me naturally and the best I usually see are colours. This time i visualised actual things!
I'd woken with a sore back on the morning of the session and without knowing this, Eliana said she felt I was holding pain in my bladder and back! WOW! This is via a zoom call by the way and not even face to face!
After the session I felt so rested, so relaxed, and pain free! That night I slept a full 8 hours, something I rarely do nowadays, usually getting 7 at best, so this was incredible for me. I woke feeling completely rested. Like I'd slept really well.
Laura, Spain
I am really glad I joined your academy.
Your first video this year, and the method you showed us had something scientific/very structured...I mean i can really see the benefit, and the download of information i got, i love it! And the Cosmic Joy concept, i love it too! I am happy I am working with you, developing my intuition. Thank you from the dephts of my Heart!
I feel the work with You is opening unimaginable doors towards Inner Freedom for me....And getting to know myself better!
Kelly, UK
I had the honour of a virtual energy session with Eliana.
Eliana has a beautiful presence and aura; she's intuitive, soothing and professional, I felt calm, relaxed, understood and safe. Before our session I had been challenged with feeling emotionally depleted and experienced blocked energy. Eliana skillfully and intuitively guided me, filling my heartspace with renewed warmth and flow, releasing and clearing stuck energies, physical painn and realigning my intuition. I felt so much more in tune and elevated following on from our session. I highly recommend working with Eliana! thank you Eliana!